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Tips When Buying A Home
Be sure to ask your realtor what fixtures and furniture are being sold with the house. Questionable items should be itemized in the purchase contract.
Try flushing the toilets when house shopping. Chugging drains and running water could be plumbing problems.
Fixing a home's foundation can be one of the more expensive repairs, so be on the lookout for things like dampness in the basement.
The average bathroom remodel costs $10,500. They also have the highest return on investment — about 102 percent.
New homes can cost about 20 percent more than existing homes.
Three considerations when choosing a home are price, location and condition.
A typical midrange kitchen remodel costs nearly $44,000 and can bring a return of about 90 percent.
Ask about lead paint or asbestos in older homes.
Tree roots can crack a driveway.
Talk to homeowners in the neighborhood you're interested in for more information about the area.
Studies of magnetic field exposure from power lines show little evidence of an association to increased health risks.
A nice view can easily add value of a home, so make sure your home's view is not in danger of being obstructed by future construction.
Buyers should look for loose railings or steps on porches and decks.
Keep a measuring tape handy when touring potential homes to determine if your furnishings will fit.
Always consider any non-negotiable costs associated with a property such as homeowners' association dues or condo fees.
Banging from air in pipes along with sediment or rusty water is common in homes that have been unoccupied.
Keep in mind that older appliances often aren't as energy-efficient as newer ones.
Because they are quite porous, make sure stone floors are sealed for easy cleanup and stain resistance.
Take copious notes of unusual features, colors and design elements.
Check around the damper in the fireplace to make sure it is tightly sealed and that outside air is not leaking in to the house.
Turn on all kitchen appliances to make sure they are in good working order.
Ask the seller to provide a home warranty to cover faulty HVAC, wiring, plumbing or appliances.
An unlevel floor may indicate a foundation problem such as settling, rot or termite damage.